Where do you ship?
We ship to all 50 states and internationally!
What is your shipping timeframe?
Most products ship within 4-8 business days for orders within the U.S.* and 10-30 days for international orders.
* Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and unincorporated territories of the United States can take additional 7 – 12 business days.
What are shipping rates?
Shipping rates vary by product and the number of items in your order, but generally individual items may be $4-10 for shipping within the U.S. and $12-22 for international shipping. If ordering multiple items, generally each additional item adds approximately $2.50 to the order total for orders within the U.S.
What is your general Return Policy?
Returns can be hard on small businesses that are just starting out. All of our products are unique and produced on-demand once ordered. However, we want to ensure you're satisfied with your purchase. You can return or exchange a product within 30 days of purchase, as long as it's in unused condition with any original tags and packaging. Buyers assume the cost of the return. Please contact us if you need to return an item.